Learn something new for your teaching or research every day during Open Access Week! All workshops will be online; join us from the comfort of your office or home. MONDAYData Visualization I: Explore and Clean Data with OpenRefineMonday, Oct 25th at 1:15pm This workshop will introduce OpenRefine, a powerful but user-friendly program for exploring and…
Category: Open Pedagogy
Domains & Websites Virtual Workshops
Join us this Wednesday, October 6 for another Domains and Websites workshop! Register here. Faculty, students, and staff are welcome to join. The informal workshop is tailored to what participants come to learn or do!
Domains & Websites Workshops
Drop into our biweekly virtual workshops to show off a digital project you’re working on and gain feedback, learn how to make your own website, or troubleshoot as you develop your site. Domain of One’s Own is our hosting system for many web applications used for class projects and open scholarly publishing, including WordPress, PressBooks,…
Free Webinar: Open Pedagogy in Practice: Faculty Perspectives
Curious about open pedagogy and what it means to practice open pedagogy in your classroom? In this free webinar sponsored by the New England Board of Higher Education you will hear from open education leaders Dr. Robin DeRosa from New Hampshire, Dr. Jennifer Van Allen from New York, and Dr. Heather Miceli from Rhode Island….
Ariella Rotramel Named Digital Scholarship Fellow
The DSCC is pleased to announced that Vandana Shiva Assistant Professor of Gender, Sexuality, and Intersectionality Studies Ariella Rotramel is joining the Digital Scholarship Fellows Program to work on two projects related to sex work. As part of their research on casino cocktail waitressing in Atlantic City, Ariella will conduct an oral history project that…
Upcoming Event: Opening Up Knowledge: Wikipedia as a site of Collaboration and Learning
As part of Trinity College’s Art + Feminism CT virtual event, Ariella Rotramel will lead a workshop on Wikipedia editing this Thursday, March 25, from 1:00-2:00pm. The description and link registration is below – all are welcome! While some educators view citations from Wikipedia with suspicion, an increasing amount of faculty are incorporating Wikipedia editing…
Open Education Week 2021
Happy Open Education Week! An annual celebration, Open Education Week (OE Week) is an opportunity for actively sharing and learning about the latest achievements in Open Education worldwide. Here at Connecticut College, faculty members saved students thousands of dollars by moving to open educational resources for their courses. Read about the latest round of OER…