Perhaps because InDesign was as new to me as it was to my students, changing a course project by incorporating new software felt like a bold move. With the support of faculty and staff peers, however, I began the project confident and prepared with what I offer to you as recommended practices: Make sure the…
Author: Ginny Anderson
Technology Assignments When You Are Not the Expert: Part I
As covered previously on Engage, can be a treasure trove for faculty looking to brush up skills in various applications (i.e. Photoshop) and even strengthen habits in life skills such as time management. For me, Lynda is like one of those old friends you don’t get to see very often but when you do,…
Teaching with Tomatoes
Despite lingering snow on the ground, spring has officially begun. And that means tomatoes! Not the luscious red garden staple, but the productivity technique! The Pomodoro Technique is a proven and highly favored productivity aid. It helps to focus, avoid distractions, and get things done in short bursts. As explained on, The Pomodoro Technique was invented in…