Tempel Summer Institute, our immersive one-week instructional technology program for faculty, ended over a week ago. While we weathered some unusual challenges – illness, broken bones and sprained ankles – it was a productive and fun week for all. Read on to hear some faculty participant comments, or click on the image above to relive the week as told through Twitter!
One of the appeals of Tempel is the dedicated time and space it offers faculty participants (there were twelve this year) to make progress on courses they will teach in the upcoming year:
Thank you for the instruction and the work space to get some of these things done. It’s good to be able to sit down and make solid progress with help readily available. Thank you!
Another great thing about Tempel is meeting new people. This year we tried something new and mixed up the seating mid-week. While there was some grumbling (including by Tempel staff!), we experienced the real benefits of sitting next to new people.
I meet a lot of people that I did not know and enjoyed sharing ideas across the disciplines.
Some faculty were redesigning old courses; others were creating new ones. In either case, there was time to try out new tools and refine old practices.
Any faculty member designing a new course should do Tempel Institute! The course I designed this week looks very different — and much better — that it would have looked if I had not attended Tempel this week.
The call for participation at Tempel Summer Institute 2017 will go out in early 2017. Of course, you do not have to wait until then to meet with any member of the Instructional Technology Team to discuss a course! Just contact us any time to schedule a meeting.